Democratizing Taxes
for the Masses
Klimli is home to tax professionals.
Enrolled Agents are admitted to practice before the IRS and are tax experts.
Klimli has been preparing tax returns for many years,
but wanted to educate the public through our app
so you always have tax information on your device when needed.
We will continue to update the app each year with tax changes,
and alert you to changed entries in the Tax Library.
KLIMLI the tax genie
Klimli is tax education app.
We found that so many people are either overwhelmed, frightened, or just not proactive about taxes each year, so we designed an app to help you.
In the App, we offer a free assessment of your 2020 tax return, and then use that to show results that we felt are achievable. Then we have a tax library full of deductions and credits for you to read about and has a dynamic component based on the tax assessment. Each has a link to the IRS's website for validation.
Lastly, we wanted to establish the app with no trust implications: we don't ask for your name, address, social security numbers, or anything identifiable. If you have any tax questions, including representation before the IRS, or just want Klimli to file your taxes, please contact us.
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